I welcome feedback, collaboration, and contributions! Read a little more about these projects.

Bouncy Ball Height
How high will a bouncy ball bounce when dropped from various heights at rest?

Period of Pendulum
What attributes affect the period of a pendulum, and in what ways?

Given water depth measurements, when are high and low tides?

Exoplanet Transit
Use differential photometry to observe the transit of an extra solar planet.

Music Genre
What song attributes define a genre? Can we predict genre from these attributes?

4 Fruit Classifier
Given an image of one of four fruits, identify the piece of fruit in the image.

Digit Classifier
Given an image of a handwritten digit, 0-9, identify the digit.

How many games of Hexapawn are possible? What is the optimal play?

Tic Tac Toe
How many games of Tic Tac Toe are possible? What is a unique game?

NASA Image Processing
For the NASA Space Robotics Challenge...